thanks buat dimas yang udah ngetag.
1. Put these awards into your blog.
2.Tag 5 (properly 10) friends.
3.Links those friends.
4.Tell them about these awards.
5.Share this links to others and to whom these awards tag
ini awardnya :
1. Five things found in my bag:
handphone, wallet, dettol hand sanitiser, pen, harrow
2. Five things found in my purse:
money, photo, cards, indentity, xxi tickets
3. Five favourite things in my room:
laptop, bed, mozaik picture, bolster, fan
4. Five things I always wanted to do:
can playing piano, vacation to europe, be a moviemaker, --
5. Five things I currently into:
6. The person who inspired you now is:
7. Punya handphone?
8. Merk + tipe handphone?
Nokia 5610 dan nokia lupa tipenya.
9.Warna/gambar theme yang lagi dipakai sekarang?
10. Wallpaper?
my photo with my friends
11. Warna casing?
black and red
12. Aplikasi/folder yang pertama keliatan begitu tekan tombol ‘menu’?
13. Bahasa yang digunakan di handphone?
14. Kapasitas baterai saat ini?
15. Pakai slot memory? Jenis?
waduh kaga ngerti.
16. Total kapasitas slot memori? Sisa kapasitas yang belum terpakai saat ini?
apalagi ini, kaga ngerti haha.
17. Choice: Banyak terisi untuk apa memorinya?
music and photo
18. Ada fitur koneksi Bluetooth?
19. Nama Bluetooth kamu saat ini?
20. Aplikasi yang paling sering kamu gunakan?
sms, facebook
21. Sisa pulsamu saat ini?
22. Provider seluler yang kamu pake?
as and im3
23. Nomer handphone?
di tag ke kajup, kamer, ojan, abim dan semua orang yang baca...
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