29 June 2009


thanks buat dimas yang udah ngetag.

1. Put these awards into your blog.

2.Tag 5 (properly 10) friends.

3.Links those friends.

4.Tell them about these awards.

5.Share this links to others and to whom these awards tag

ini awardnya :

1. Five things found in my bag:

handphone, wallet, dettol hand sanitiser, pen, harrow

2. Five things found in my purse:

money, photo, cards, indentity, xxi tickets

3. Five favourite things in my room:

laptop, bed, mozaik picture, bolster, fan

4. Five things I always wanted to do:

can playing piano, vacation to europe, be a moviemaker, --

5. Five things I currently into:


6. The person who inspired you now is:


7. Punya handphone?


8. Merk + tipe handphone?

Nokia 5610 dan nokia lupa tipenya.

9.Warna/gambar theme yang lagi dipakai sekarang?


10. Wallpaper?

my photo with my friends

11. Warna casing?

black and red

12. Aplikasi/folder yang pertama keliatan begitu tekan tombol ‘menu’?


13. Bahasa yang digunakan di handphone?


14. Kapasitas baterai saat ini?


15. Pakai slot memory? Jenis?

waduh kaga ngerti.

16. Total kapasitas slot memori? Sisa kapasitas yang belum terpakai saat ini?

apalagi ini, kaga ngerti haha.

17. Choice: Banyak terisi untuk apa memorinya?

music and photo

18. Ada fitur koneksi Bluetooth?


19. Nama Bluetooth kamu saat ini?


20. Aplikasi yang paling sering kamu gunakan?

sms, facebook

21. Sisa pulsamu saat ini?


22. Provider seluler yang kamu pake?

as and im3

23. Nomer handphone?


di tag ke kajup, kamer, ojan, abim dan semua orang yang baca...

23 June 2009

badmood along day

hari ini badmood pol.
gw kira badmood ini bakal cuma sementara aja.
tapi ternyata sampe sore menjelang malem pun perasaan gw tetep kayak mau makan orang!
gw pengen nonjok orang!

an**ng, apa-apaan sih niih!
gw udah berusaha buat tetep relax, udah tidur, nonton, maen internet, tapi tetep aja...
aaahhhhh sial!
cuma karena satu kejadian bikin hari gw berantakan!

22 June 2009

pengen AUTIS.

5 kata.
hari ini gw pengen ngerasain jadi anak autis.
sama kayak yang suka dilakuin sama mb kostan gw klo lagi ga pengen diganggu.
seharian di kamar. mendep. ga keluar. keluar klo cuma mau makan doang.
mudah-mudahan aja tahan kayak gitu.

BETE. 4 kata.
iya gw bete banget hari ini.
merasa jadi orang penting yang ga dihargain sama sekali, termasuk sama orang terdekat gw.

SEBEL. 5 kata.
iya gw sebel hari ini.
sebel banget!

NANGIS. 6 kata.
iya gw mau nangis lagi hari ini.
LAGI? ckckckck.

Gw sebel!!!
emosi pol! kenapa sih?!
hei gw cuma mau bertanggung jawab sama apa yang udah di percayain sama gw.
tolong dong!!
gw capek. lo capek. kita sama-sama capek.
hasilnya juga ntar dirasain bareng-bareng.

please hargain gw!

17 June 2009

New gadget

Just want to say thanksfull to my friend!!!!!!
Dini thanks a lot yaa!!!!!

16 June 2009

My plans

di sela-sela kemumetan gw belajar buat uas sama bikin tugas yang take home gw sempet-sempetin mikir apa aja yang amu gw lakuin pas liburan ntar.

hem bentar lagi bakalan liburan panjang nih
asik bener dahh!
rencana mau liburan ke bandung udah gagal karena ada tawaran liburan yang lebih menggiurkan dari si ibu di rumah hehehe..

hem tapi rencana buat ngapin aja di palembang pasti ada dooonggg..
and this is my plan :

1. jalan sama keluarga, makanan pertama yang mau dimakan di palembang: SOP BUNTUT BUATAN IBU sama KEPITING GORENG DEMPO.

2. nagih traktiran makan, nonton sama belanja ke kakak gw yang abis dapet gaji freelance pertamanya haha.

3. mampir ke sma gw pastinya

4. hang out sama temen-temen sma

5. karaokean sama jembo, thea dkk

6. reuni sama temen sd!!

7. maen bowling sepuasnya.


9. berobat

10. aduh banyak bangettt!!!!

pokoknya pengen seneng-seneng banget.
refresh all this stressed

ohoi ohoi ohoi
*apa sih?!

14 June 2009

Malpraktek LAGI?

barusan gw nonton berita di tv, dan gw denger berita tentang adanya malpraktek di salah satu rumah sakit internasional di Jakarta, dan itu bukan pertama kalinya rumah sakit itu di kabarin melakukan malpraktek.

waw.. pas denger rs itu bikin malpraktek LAGI gw langsung geram banget!
pengen marah banget, tapi gimanaaa yaaa..

harusnya sebagai rumah sakit berstandard internasional, rs itu bisa ngejaga citranya dongg..
mereka harus bisa menjaga kualitas secara profesional, ga cuma sekedar nama doang yang Internasional, kualitas juga harus ber STANDARD INTERNASIONAL..

yang gw tau sih, rs itu udah berurusan sama pihak kepolisian sebanyak 3 kali, ga tau deh klo dulu"..
itupun dalam waktu yang berdekatan..

yang gw heran, harusnya pemerintah juga bisa menyeleksi dan mencari tahu dong, mana rs yang pantes disebut Internasional, mana yang ngga..
pemerintah harus bisa menindak tegas, rs" yang sering melakukan malpraktek, karena malpraktek di rs tuh bener" bahaya banget..
bisa aja ngorbanin nyawa orang lain..

so yang salah tuh sebenernya rumah sakit Internasional yang bersangkutan atau pemerintah?!


yes now i'm confused
i don't know
i don't ever understand
i can't think
just try to be focus
do it
no matter everything will be happen
give your best way, God!
i know you always stand beside me

13 June 2009

100 truths

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 100 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, copy and paste this note, erase my answers and enter your own, and then tag people)

1. Last beverage: aqua
2. Last phone call: mom
3. Last text message: kak jamel
4. Last song you listened to: ran feat shila----tunjukkan cintamu
5. Last time you cried: last night haha

6. Dated someone twice: yes
7. Been cheated on: no
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: no
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: yes
11. Been drunk and threw up: BIG no

12. purple
13. brown
14. white

15. Made a new friend: yes
16. Fallen out of love: yes
17. Laughed until you cried: yes
18. Met someone who changed you: yes
19. Found out who your true friends were: haven't
20. Found out someone was talking about you: BIG yes

21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: yes
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: 85%, not at all
23. How many kids do you want to have: 2 or 3
24. Do you have any pets: no
25.Do you want to change your name: no, i love my name and the meaning of it
26. What did you do for your last birthday: hang out with my friends
27. What time did you wake up today: 11.00 am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: curhat sm mba kost haha
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: HOLIDAY.
30. Last time you saw your Mother: march maybe
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: my stupid mind haha
32. What are you listening to right now: destinys child-----emotion
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: tommy baru pernah, tom doang kaga
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: assighments
35. Most visited webpage: facebook, google, yahoo, blogger

36. Whats your real name: karla sekar arum
37. Nicknames: karla, karlolita, karjo
38. Relationship Status: single and available hehe
39. Zodiac sign: aries
40. Male or female? female
41. Elementary?: Sd. ysp pusri
42. JH School?: SMP ysp pusri
43. College/others?: 5 shs, UGM university
44. Hair colour: mix black-brown
45. Long or short: long
46. Height: 160cm
47. Do you have a crush on someone? little
48: What do you like about yourself?: all
49. Piercings: cuma di telinga doang
50. Tattoos: pernah dulu, temporary hehe
51. Righty or leftly: rightly

52. First surgery: kelas 6 sd, kelainan ginjal
53. First piercing: di telinga doang waktu kecil
54. First best friend: dianita sahabat dr jaman tk
55. First sport you joined: swim
56. First vacation: forget
58. First pair of trainers: ga tau

59. Eating: oreo cookies
60. Drinking: no
61. I'm about to: post this note, listen music
62. Listening to: winamp
63. Waiting on: 25 june, celebrate my freedom

64. Want kids?: of course
65. Get Married?: yup
66. Career?: television manager

67. Lips or eyes: eyes
68. Hugs or kisses: hugs
69. Shorter or taller: taller
70. Older or Younger: older
71. Romantic or spontaneous: romantic
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: nice stomach
73. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: trouble maker

76. Kissed a stranger: no
77. Drank hard liquor: no
78. Lost glasses/contacts: no
79. Sex on first date: BIG no
80. Broken someone's heart: yes
82. Been arrested: no
83. Turned someone down: yes
84. Cried when someone died: yes
85. Fallen for a friend?: yes

86. Yourself: definitely
87. Miracles: yes
88. Love at first sight: yes
89. Heaven: of course
90. Santa Claus: no
91. Kiss on the first date: maybe
92. Angels: yes

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: no, and never
95. Did you sing today?: yes
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: pernah kyknya
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: pas smp
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: remember about someone, it sucks but i miss.

100. Posting this as 100 truths?: ok hehe

*makasih yang udah ngetagin ke gw.

06 June 2009

I hate this hair cut!

kamis kemaren gw potong rambut di salah satu salon yang udah punya nama, di malioboro mall.
awalnya gw ga yakin mau potong rambut, tapi gw udah mulai ngerasa keganggu sama rambut gw yang udah mulai panjang ini, mana poninya udah kayak jendela aja di mata gw.
akhirnya setelah pertimbangan yang cukup sengit, akhirnya gw positif potong rambut.
trus gw ngomongnya sama si mas yang potong rambut gw, klo gw mau di pendekin dikit aja dengan model yang masih sama.

potongan demi potongan pun di mulai, tapi kok gw ngerasa motongnya pendek banget yaa..
aduuuhh yaudalah gw percaya aja! soalnya setiap gw potong di salon ini di mana aja, pasti hasilnya bagus.
daaaaan ternyata KEPENDEKAN!
anjir! gw jadi ga pd, krn menurut gw, gw ga cocok dengan potongan rambut kayak gini.

so kalian bisa bandingin foto rambut gw before, after, and the next day.

ini foto gw beberapa minggu sebelum potong! haha.
lihatlah keindahan rambut gw yang terurai. hahaha.
*sebenernya itu lg berantakan sih, sly gw baru bangun.
biarpun muka kacau, yang penting tetep lucuu.. hehe.

lihatlah perbedaannya saudara-saudara.
keluar dari salon emang masih bagus, rapi, indah, menawan. hahaha..
tapi gw ga suka. muka gw aja yang sok-sok suka, padahal gw sebel banget!

look at my hair! that's to bad..
i hate it! liat dehh ga banget kan!!!!!!! aaahhhhh gw nyesel banget potong rambut!!!!
gw jadi ga pd sekarang! shit! sialan!
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